Lemon Law Basics

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Learn the basics of Lemon Law

Friday, March 17, 2006

Understanding the Lemon Law

Are you a victim of a lemon law violator? If so, you have many rightsthat can protect you. Lemon laws were established to help protect theconsumer against the purchase of a bad product. For an example, let'suse cars. If you purchase a car from a dealership or a private ownerand are told that the car is in good working order, they have tostand by this. If you pull it out of the drive way of that dealershiponly to have it break down on the way home, chances are that the carwas not in good shape to begin with.

Dealerships and anyone else selling used cars need to ensure to youthat the car is in the condition they are selling it to you. Theycan't tell you it's brand new if it really has been around for years.In order to protect consumers from not too honest dealers, lemon lawswere created. But, each state has their specific set standards forlemon laws. You can find out what your state's lemon laws are andfind out how they affect you whether you are buying or selling a car.

If you feel you have been a victim of lemon law violations, you haverights. The first thing that you need to accomplish is finding aqualified lemon law attorney. This is important because if you takeon the dealership (as in our example) on your own, chances are goodthat you may miss something, make a mistake to cost you the case, orjust not present yourself in a positive manner. Investing in a lemonlaw attorney can help to ensure that your purchase and case are takencare of in the best possible way.

Lemon laws are there to help you. In order to do so, though, youneed to know how they work in your state and in your situation. Tofind out what your state's lemon laws are, simply look on the state'swebsite or call a qualified lemon law attorney.

Lemon Law


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