Lemon Law Case Assistance-How to Fight and Win
Some consumers make the assumption that handling their Lemon Law claim themselves saves them money. Before you decide to "go it alone", here are three things that are important to know.
1. Lemon Law Claims are complicated and you will waste much of your time and create unnecessary headaches for yourself.
Trying to research your rights and write threatening letters will usually cause you more frustration than it's worth. Further, if you fail on your own, you will have wasted precious time. Or worse, what if you accept an offer and sign a release which you will regret later (including losing your Legal rights).
2. Consumers have virtually no negotiating power with the manufacturer. They can't cause the economic pain and publicity that a lawsuit can for the Manufacturer.
Knowing the state and federal Lemon Laws does not mean that you will be treated with respect. The car companies still play games, much like insurance companies. If you represent yourself, the manufacturer will likely drag out the case in hopes that you will either go away or take little or nothing to settle.
When you hire an experienced attorney, there are no games. Cases get resolved quickly and the compensation you receive is fair.
3. Consumers get less money!
For the above reasons, attorney negotiated settlements are normally substantially higher than one's negotiated by consumer's alone. Chances are your recovery will be worth substantially less if you represent yourself (and you will have done all the work). Some consumers have been known to accept a month's payment, when they are really entitled to all their money back! If you select a law office that has substantial Lemon Law experience, the manufacturer will already know your Law Firm and what the expected compensation will need to be to settle the claim.
by Scott Hallman
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